News of Tibet World on November 2019

International language learning tips: on 9th  November 

Tibet world is very happy to inform you all that we could organize student teacher meeting/discussion on 9th  November 2018. Teachers interacted with their respective students and some students really shared very creative ways of learning  the language.

Around 80 students studying various languages have attended the discussion session which was accompanied by teachers of respective languages.

Over all it was really a fruitful event.

Children’s day(student’s day) and A Israel delegation of jewish spiritual leaders visited  on 14 November

On 14th November tibet world celebrated student’s day with all the students including staffs and volunteers. The event was started with speech by director Yeshi Lhundup which was followed by a number of events such as video presentation, playing fun games and  musical performances by teachers, ( French teacher Olivia played flute and English teacher sang acoustic boll wood songs ) . Students actively participated in the event and really enjoyed the whole program.

A delegation of jewish spiritual leaders from Iserael to visit McLeod ganj in the 14th November 2019 for learning and observing Tibetan culture and issues. Founder of Tibet World gave introduction of Tibet, they visited Tibetan Parliament House to meet with PM Ukatsang Youdon and Library etc!


Compassion + Wisdom = Happiness workshop 18th to 20th November 

It is our special education and cultural program for Youth International group . The introduction of Tibetan culture and compassion + wisdom = happiness talks were given by founder director Yeshi Lhundup and visited Tibetan parliament, CTA informants, and Tibetan museums etc. #tibtetanculture#tibetanhistory#compassion#wisdom#happiness#volunteer#meditation#yoga#internationallanguage

Yongey Mingyur Ringpochen visited  on 23th Oct 2019

It was so great that Yongey Mingyur Ringpochen blessed our new Tibet World building on Saturday 23th Oct 2019. We are very lucky that he visited our place to bless  it. It was a very special sign. Just When he arrived our Tibet World gate, it  was suddenly to start  very heavy rain fell   and when just he left from our gate, the rain was completely stopped.  We believed that it was very, very special sign for Tibet World. On behave all beneficiaries of Tibet World, we would like to say thank you Ringpochen and Targer group.


Re-located a new place on 27th November 2019.

We are  re-located to a wonderful place at the 27th November 2019. It was took three days for shifting.  All of our students and volunteer shared their hands to move all Tibet World things. We would say thank you for your generous contribution of their precious time and energy to this volunteer work was incredible. We would like to appreciated all of your enthusiasm, and compassion in actions.   We hope that we can help to people as many as possible and help  to people as good as possible. Thanking you very all people who supports.