News in January 2017
22nd December 2016 to 20th January 2017
Mini photo Exhibition on 34th Kalachokra in Budha Gaya
After the academic year ends in December, Tibet World usually has a one-month winter program for school children. In 2016, this program did not run due to the scheduled teaching from H. H. the Dalai Lama at the 34th Kalachokra. During this event, Tibet World started to run the Buddha Gaya Project from the 21st December to 20th January, for 29 days. The main purpose of this project was to promote and raise funds for Tibet World. We had a small photo exhibition, brochures for distribution, and Tibet World t-shirts for sale.
Tibet World is opened a mini photo exhibition by the founder of Tibet World Mr Yeshi Lhundup. After much time and energy, blood, sweat and tears spent working towards this exciting solo project Yeshi Lhundup opened the exhibit on 2nd January 2017 to 13th January 2017 . Its very successful, so Mr Yeshi Lhundup thanks all those that helped and contributed towards the project and hopes it will be great addition to Tibet World’s involvement in community of Tibetan art.
On 21st February; Drawing competition
Here are our volunteers Judit and Bridgitte helping to organize a Drawing competition on Sunday 21st February. All the participants had an amazing and enjoyed the day. Tibet World gave prizes to our three winners and all participants received a scarf. Thank you to our volunteers for organizing such a wonderful competition!