Tibet meets the world !

Tibet World is an organization devoted to recognizing and encouraging human potential. Our mission is to preserve and cultivate the Tibetan culture. We strive to provide the best education and training in a variety of fields including language, environment and career development. Providing space for community events and performances will allow for intercultural exchange with volunteers and tourists worldwide. We believe that it is important for Tibetan refugees to acquire the skills necessary to develop a sustainable livelihood while creating opportunity for displaced people.

Volunteers opportunities:

  • Editor – help edit brochures, fliers, etc.
  • Lesson planning for the following language courses:  French, German, English and Chinese

Beginning in March 2013 we will need volunteers for:

Cultural Events:

  • Nightly/weekly traditional dance and music performances
  • Gallery of artwork: traditional and modern Tibetan artists
  • Have a cultural exchange of art, dance and music a few times a year
  • Video/documentary on Tibetan culture/politics
  • Local theater


Various  the languages/workshops and training program


  • Workshop on environmental education
  • Weekly environment walk/clean up and awareness (group wears a bright t-shirt with a logo and information to raise awareness to local community. After each cleanup leave a recycle bin and garbage bin along with a brightly colored educational sign to explain what we did and why it is important.
  • Eventually get support and collaboration from local hotels and restaurants (use of recycle bins, informational posters and environment walk sign up sheet)
  • Water refill station at the center to promote less use of plastic
  • Promote internships for Environmental engineers, eco-tourism and students in other relative fields